Sunday, December 12, 2021

H.R. 550 Threatens Medical Freedom.

I share below Robert F. Kennedy's message on H.R. 550 that I signed and sent to both Senator Robert Menendez and Senator Cory Booker today. 
Please share if you find yourself in agreement. 
Thank you.

Subject: H.R. 550 Threatens Medical Freedom. 
I’m writing to you regarding H.R. 550 which violates the rights of American citizens. It’s shocking that this legislation, which tracks confidential vaccination information of individuals and then shares it with the federal government, was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. Clearly, the information collected could ultimately be used to discriminate against individuals and families who choose to decline or even postpone vaccines. This legislation is a dereliction of your sworn duties to represent your constituents in a manner that upholds the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s own statements (, it’s obvious that a key purpose of this legislation is to create pressure and compliance upon people who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. The CDC openly stated that vaccine registries are a tool to identify areas of “undervaccination” so they can be “addressed” and brought into “compliance.” Vaccine tracking systems and other public health databases are already being used to harass those who have chosen to delay or decline vaccines. They are also used for interventions including home visits and reminder/recall systems further eroding our rights as Americans to medical privacy. Using Immunization Information Systems costs states millions of dollars. If H.R. 550 is allowed to move forward, an additional $400 million would be allocated for tracking taxpayers. Americans are a free people. They don't want their medical records on a government database nor do they want to be tracked and hounded/mandated to undertake a medical procedure (including vaccines). The people who elected you to office will be watching your actions regarding medical freedom very closely in the coming days. I urge you to take a strong stance against any tyrannical legislation that threatens the freedom of Americans. 
 Sergio Caldarella