Every face, every shop, bedroom window, public-house,
and dark square is a picture feverishly turned--in search of what? It is the
same with books. What do we seek through millions of pages?
Virginia Woolf
Faces, how can you understand them? How can you want to understand them?
Shaved, moisturized, clean, with a mole, a scar, or a scratch. How can you
really understand a face? What is
that makes a face such a special place of a body? I am asking because for me to
“understand” a face means to understand almost everything in a person. I don’t
mean the eyes, because, contrary to what is believed, eyes can lie as much as
they can tell the truth – whatever that might be. Eyes are the most human
visible part of our body, therefore the most elusive. Nobody can really “read”
a person, because every person is the sum of countless mysteries and a mystery
even to himself. But faces? How about the faces? Someone can certainly be
obsessed with hair, lips, and breasts or feet, but how about the face? I always
believed that the face is not just a random product of some splitting
omnipotent cells; I believe that in the entirety of a face there is the personal history and
somehow the destiny of a person and, at least, that a face is the sum of its past.
Two apparently contradictory things united in the most public and most private
part of us. Everybody speaks with a voice that he/she knows, but, at the same time,
the voice received by the one who listens, is completely unknown to the
speaker; here again the face is that place where those two voices meet. You can
be silent and your facial expression talks and you can talk while your
expression could be silent. So, again, who can understand faces if a face is
elusive even to its owner? Weird to say that we “own” a face, since we are so
used to believing that our face is just “us”. A face is a sum of stories; a
riddle that for one person has a meaning and

(Sergio Caldarella)